Biomasa y Carbono


  • GlobAllomeTree GlobAllomeTree is an international web platform for tree allometric equations to support volume, biomass and carbon stock assessment
  • CO2FIX Modelo para contabilidad de carbono en bosques.
  • 3PG Modelo generalizado para predecir la productividad (biomasa) de los bosques.
  • BERTINI R, CHIRICI G, CORONA P, TRAVAGLINI D. Comparison between parametric and non-parametric methods for the spazialization of forest standing volume by integrating eld measures, remote sensing data and ancillary data. Forest@. 2007;4110−117:1082−1089.
  • FRANCO-LOPEZ, H., EK, A.R. and BAUER, M.E., 2001, Estimation and mapping of forest stand density, volume, and cover type using k-nearest neighbors method. Remote Sensing of Environment, 77, pp. 251–274.
  • GERYLO, G.R., HALL, R.J., FRANKLIN, S.E., SMITH, L., 2002. Empirical relations between LANDSAT TM spectral response and forest stands near Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories, Canada. Can. J. Remote Sensing 28, 68–79.